
Emerald Coast Church of Christ is a small church with a small congregation. However, we are available to assist people in our community with the following stipulations:

1. Church will assist one (1) person in the community per month.
2. Church will set a max limit of $75 per month for said person in the community.
3. Church will assist with either / or both a utility bill(s) or prescription(s) no greater than $75 totaled together.
Examples: $22 towards electric and $53 towards prescription – $46 towards electric and $29 towards water – Reimbursements do not apply.
4. Proof of desired help will be given to any Board of Directors for Secretary to pay after approval from ‘each’ entire Board of Directors – approval must be unanimous.
5. Proof of utility bill must be in a ‘disconnect’ state.
6. Proof of prescription must have provider’s signature, office name, address, and phone number.
7. Person should know amount of prescription prior to approval.
Examples: prescription cost $75.03 – church pays $75. Prescription cost $74. 99 – church pays $74.99 – Reimbursements do not apply.
8. Utility examples apply as prescription example. See #7
9. Person shall provide proof of identification in person or live video chat, address, and phone number. Address on identification card must match utility bill for assistance. Address match do not apply for prescription(s).
10. Person will be provided a confirmation of payment number via email or text.

***Upon approval, person shall be informed of a 2-hour window for payment toward their request***

If there are any additional questions, please feel free to call the church – (850) 863.4300